Friday, 28 May 2010
Friday, I'm in love
Been staying home for the weekends recently. It's pretty awesome. I know I'm not missing out on anything, or atleast i hope not. My boyfriend's at work & I'm fucking bored SERIOUSLY! But whuttahell, tomorrow it'll be just us, baby.
Fuck, I need a job.

You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.
And you play it coy but it's kinda cute.
Ah, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend that you don't know it's true.
'cause you can see it when I look at you.
Waiting patiently for you to be back from work. Cause I pretty much miss you a hell lot. I wanna hear you whine about work, about how much you miss me today & most of all, I wanna hear you say sweet nothings to me. I'm getting a lil sleepy but I hope you ring me up once you're back.
I wuff you, Aliff Amran <3
Monday, 10 May 2010
If you're gonna hurt me then do it quickly.
If you don't wanna stick around then baby forget about me.
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Monday Morning
I couldn't sleep after yesterday's revision & I'm wide awake now after an hour worth of sleep.
Last paper today then I'll get to see you, babe.
Sleepless night always gets you thinking, don't you think so?
I had the silliest thoughts that's for sure.
Sidetrack abit.
Anyways, it's May already. Almost half a year. 5 months come & go. Sadness, frustrations, heartaches come & go. Hopefully hatred too.
Sleepness night...made me reconsider my actions. Eventhough its almost half a year, I shall never forget & probably wouldn't wanna forgive.
But I'm fucking glad at the end of the rainbow, lies my pot of gold.
Well, fuck all these emotional nonsense craps. I know I'll end up leading a much better life. I am now. So much better.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Last paper today then I'll get to see you, babe.
Sleepless night always gets you thinking, don't you think so?
I had the silliest thoughts that's for sure.
Sidetrack abit.
Anyways, it's May already. Almost half a year. 5 months come & go. Sadness, frustrations, heartaches come & go. Hopefully hatred too.
Sleepness night...made me reconsider my actions. Eventhough its almost half a year, I shall never forget & probably wouldn't wanna forgive.
But I'm fucking glad at the end of the rainbow, lies my pot of gold.
Well, fuck all these emotional nonsense craps. I know I'll end up leading a much better life. I am now. So much better.
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Sunday, 9 May 2010
Almost there
One more paper & it's the end of my 2nd semester! Then its my 3rd & last semester & I can finally graduate. Pretty far fetched, knowing that I completely screwed 2 papers & probably the last one even.
I don't handle failures well. I've been jinxed! My last relationship failed miserably, afterwhich I found out I failed my first module & why do I get the feeling there are more failures to come? That bloody suay previous relationship probably jinxed everything. Haha!
Just finding something/someone to push the blame to.
Anyhoots, I can't wait till exams are over. I deserved a fucking good break. I wanna hangout with my GFs till late, I wanna club with my anjings like old times & I wanna have beer everydays & dessert with my bf. :)
Aaahhhhh holidays please come quick. I need a job too, you know.
It's 5 in the morning. I wish I could wait up for you but damn these eyes.
Goodnight beautifully unfair world.
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Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Too much?
I'm sorry if I expect too much from you. You're just different from the rest of them & thats what makes you special.
But maybe, sometimes I don't need different :(
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But maybe, sometimes I don't need different :(
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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