Thursday, 27 March 2008
Bangkok Bongok
My Bangkok trip is tomorrow, wait today. No wait. Later in the morning. Sheesh! Was that thaaaaat difficult??
I'm not done packing yet, I kept thinking I missed out some stuffs. Oh yeah, my bras.
its been a helluva long time since I last had a family vacation. The last one was to New Zealand and that was what, 5-6 years ago?
God, sometimes I miss having my late uncle around who used to organize all these family vacations.
Ouh yeah, I had a superb time over at Naqqies' bday pit during Good Friday but I'll blog more about it when I'm back.
Don't miss me too much.
...and I hope I'll enjoy my last stick to the fullest baby.
I'm not done packing yet, I kept thinking I missed out some stuffs. Oh yeah, my bras.
its been a helluva long time since I last had a family vacation. The last one was to New Zealand and that was what, 5-6 years ago?
God, sometimes I miss having my late uncle around who used to organize all these family vacations.
Ouh yeah, I had a superb time over at Naqqies' bday pit during Good Friday but I'll blog more about it when I'm back.
Don't miss me too much.
...and I hope I'll enjoy my last stick to the fullest baby.
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Vanilla Sky
As promised, I present to you the pictures to the gig over at Earshot cafe. Since I just got home from my very fineeeee dining experience, I am a happy girl tonight.
That day I was supposed to swing by Earshot Cafe to catch Nini's performance but Naqqies called me at the right moment and I dragged everyone to the place.
The place was fucking easy to find but boys and bikes sure dont do good job. I guessed we might have rode past this exact place the umpteenth time.
Alep ditepi tu actually tgh feeling SENDOK BOYZ.Orang pat tepi semer tgh kecoh2, dialah sorang tgh dgr mp3 and taknak layan saper2.
Alah mushy-mushy! Sayang kamu!
Place was fucking packed and if you moved an inch to the left, a pillar will block you. If you moved to the right, a fat dude will block you. Pack like that ah.
"Kak Ger rasa lagu dibawaknya Ok tapi pitching-nya harus dijaga yer. Nanti terlalu pitchy. Gerak-Geri nya boleh di-improve yer. Syabas Raihani, awak ader peluang untuk ke final yer."
Aku feeling Rahimah Rahim pulakkkkk!
My bestfweeeens one. Very pretty-pretty one. Buy one get two free.
Eh si mentel! Ama, your friend's eyes ahhh MADNESS sia!
Since it was some sort like a hiphop shitzy type of gig, we also feeling the ISHHHH. PEACE OUT A TOWN ahh apa lagiiiik
"Bie, Bie! I rap lagi bagos tau!" Sweet or what Dan. Must whisper-whisper to the girlpren! Abeh Amirul muka classic. HAHA!

Dont ask me why my friends have classic boring faces except Maria. Don't ask me kay.
To Bencoolen for supper and Esplanade for lepak session after performance. I recorded Nini's performance but youtube cam nabei chibai so you guys wait again la kan till I can upload it to blogger. The gig was a tad too hiphop-ish for my friends and I but it sure was a reminiscent of my adolescence. Yes, I used to go thru that phase of going to hiphop gigs. Thank you very much.
PS HAPPY HAPPY 6TH MONTH MUHAMMAD AMIRUL BIN ZAINAL! So its only 6 months not 6 years.But Gue Sayang Banget sama luh! ;)
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Penny Lane
The lastest wedding I attended was Nurul's & Sofian's wedding and the food was awesome nak mampos. Selamat pengatin baru ya korang. Anyways, like I've mentioned, it wouldn't be complete without me in kurungs. ;)
The decor was nice, bride & groom looked awesome and food was delicious.
At the end of it, kaki aku melecit part two.
Wany's 20th Birthday @ East Coast Lagoon
We were browsing thru cakes and cakes to get for Wany and Naq got the sinking feeling she wouldn't even realise this was actually a hankerchief-shaped like a slice of cake.
Wany was so disappointed when she saw us seating at the table which was full of leftovers cuz our bimbo girl here thought we ate without her. PADAHAL PADAHAL.
And we lied till she mentioned " I was just thinking of treating you guys!"
At that point we had to admit la kan. She spent ard 100 odds on us and the tawkey of the stall even gave a red packet and a discount. Save sikit duit akak.

But then again, after Wany ate that hanky-looking cake, she must have thought we totally didnt get her a REAL cake or something. So while we girls do what we do best, the guys and Wany's cousin took the cake which the tawkey seafood helped us stored in his fridge out.
Anjat birthday girl!
After makan and stuffs, headed towards somewhere la ard ECP also. Where the boys plus Wany's cousin talked abt nothing (else that matters) but bikes.
Last...class photo la apa lagi!
Sorry for the lambat-nak-mampos-sampai-rambot-naik-beruban entry but I've been contemplating.
Watch out for Nini's performance pictures, Amirul's family pit pictures and lots more lively entries.
P.S HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY NAQQIES. DAH BESAR AKAK. Next month will be my 17th bday pulak. =)
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES BUT IM FUCKING BUSY PLAYING MY SIMS. And I havent been patient enough to upload the whole lot of pictures uhhh. Soooooooon babies, I promise.
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Cause at the end, its all worth it.
Even after my last day of the whole entire miserable, maybe not thaaaat miserable poly life, I thought I would be doing what most kids do during the school hols- being an insomniac, online 24/7... you get my drift. But I am certainly not doing what I have been planning to do once I'm done with school.and its frustrating!
Well, apart from my permanent school hols (till I get accepted into a decent uni, that is)...
apart from my house being like a warzone,with drilling, hammering in the MORNING etc and apeks plus makotai entering & leaving the house due to the renovation of kitchen...
apart from the whole kitchen is now smack right in the middle of the dining room and us having to have takeouts till the next week or so...
apart from getting sleepy way too early (at this hour, its considered a tad late already, ya know)...
my life is wonderful ahhhhhhh! poly finished liao(insert cheena's accent)! *throws confetti but aims at hate taggers*
I should a start a journey to a more meaningful life like, RIGHT NOW!
Like further updating the blog with pictures from Wany's 20th (well, its not always a girl turns 20 and still doesnt know how to differentiate a hanky-looking slice of cake to a real cake- hehehe), wedding pictures (Aahhh, blogs wouldnt be complete w/o pictures of the owner looking like a sacred muslima- just had to put it in. bear with me on this one,folks. haha),Nini's performance pictures (it was one heck of a show- a must see!) when i have the fucking time!
But for now, I'll start my journey by continuing reading my harry potter and constantly reminding myself to stop being a huge whore and sleeping with different bolsters every single night .
Oh harry potter, you sexy lil wizard. I'll be a slut to you anytime.;)
Much love from my final installment of HP and myself.
Well, apart from my permanent school hols (till I get accepted into a decent uni, that is)...
apart from my house being like a warzone,with drilling, hammering in the MORNING etc and apeks plus makotai entering & leaving the house due to the renovation of kitchen...
apart from the whole kitchen is now smack right in the middle of the dining room and us having to have takeouts till the next week or so...
apart from getting sleepy way too early (at this hour, its considered a tad late already, ya know)...
my life is wonderful ahhhhhhh! poly finished liao(insert cheena's accent)! *throws confetti but aims at hate taggers*
I should a start a journey to a more meaningful life like, RIGHT NOW!
Like further updating the blog with pictures from Wany's 20th (well, its not always a girl turns 20 and still doesnt know how to differentiate a hanky-looking slice of cake to a real cake- hehehe), wedding pictures (Aahhh, blogs wouldnt be complete w/o pictures of the owner looking like a sacred muslima- just had to put it in. bear with me on this one,folks. haha),Nini's performance pictures (it was one heck of a show- a must see!) when i have the fucking time!
But for now, I'll start my journey by continuing reading my harry potter and constantly reminding myself to stop being a huge whore and sleeping with different bolsters every single night .
Oh harry potter, you sexy lil wizard. I'll be a slut to you anytime.;)
Much love from my final installment of HP and myself.
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