Thursday, 20 March 2008
Vanilla Sky
As promised, I present to you the pictures to the gig over at Earshot cafe. Since I just got home from my very fineeeee dining experience, I am a happy girl tonight.
That day I was supposed to swing by Earshot Cafe to catch Nini's performance but Naqqies called me at the right moment and I dragged everyone to the place.
The place was fucking easy to find but boys and bikes sure dont do good job. I guessed we might have rode past this exact place the umpteenth time.
Alep ditepi tu actually tgh feeling SENDOK BOYZ.Orang pat tepi semer tgh kecoh2, dialah sorang tgh dgr mp3 and taknak layan saper2.
Alah mushy-mushy! Sayang kamu!
Place was fucking packed and if you moved an inch to the left, a pillar will block you. If you moved to the right, a fat dude will block you. Pack like that ah.
"Kak Ger rasa lagu dibawaknya Ok tapi pitching-nya harus dijaga yer. Nanti terlalu pitchy. Gerak-Geri nya boleh di-improve yer. Syabas Raihani, awak ader peluang untuk ke final yer."
Aku feeling Rahimah Rahim pulakkkkk!
My bestfweeeens one. Very pretty-pretty one. Buy one get two free.
Eh si mentel! Ama, your friend's eyes ahhh MADNESS sia!
Since it was some sort like a hiphop shitzy type of gig, we also feeling the ISHHHH. PEACE OUT A TOWN ahh apa lagiiiik
"Bie, Bie! I rap lagi bagos tau!" Sweet or what Dan. Must whisper-whisper to the girlpren! Abeh Amirul muka classic. HAHA!

Dont ask me why my friends have classic boring faces except Maria. Don't ask me kay.
To Bencoolen for supper and Esplanade for lepak session after performance. I recorded Nini's performance but youtube cam nabei chibai so you guys wait again la kan till I can upload it to blogger. The gig was a tad too hiphop-ish for my friends and I but it sure was a reminiscent of my adolescence. Yes, I used to go thru that phase of going to hiphop gigs. Thank you very much.
PS HAPPY HAPPY 6TH MONTH MUHAMMAD AMIRUL BIN ZAINAL! So its only 6 months not 6 years.But Gue Sayang Banget sama luh! ;)
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