Friday, 22 February 2008
macam aku give a damn gitu la kan.
since kau cakap ENGRISH AKU MCM TAK BTOL, lemme converse in malay.
But first...
I don't know bout you guys, but from my (*counts) 5 years or so in blogging, I came across too many hate tags from my own blog or from others.The victims were usually put down by these ppl by their bad command of english yada yada yada. And these victims usually retaliate by blogging abt how they received hate tags etc by usinggood(not the right word here) BEST command of english EVERRRRRRRR that even those guys who set the english OLEVELS paper, cambridge or woodbrigde or wherever they came from la kan couldn't understand!
Ok, let me take precious time off from revision and answer these tak-perlu-dianswer-but-gonna-do-it-anyway tags.
The first unsightly tag came from "...".
-okay, YOU MUST BE AN ENGLISH TEACHER. pasal engrish aku tak se-madness as kau, aku reply je ehh dlm melayu pasar aku ehhh. kau tak marah kan? But if you're french, i'll try my best to translate them later. HAHA.
If you're not an english teacher, then you must be a beauty consultant cum counsellor. Thanks for the conselling service on my indenial and beauty tips.
"Just a passer-by". nice name ;)
Thanks for the advice JAP (can i call you that? JAP?), I reflected on myself a few minutes ago and I saw my reflection on the mirror... I saw a few strands of hair peeking out of my tudung! HAHAH. Okay I'm kidding. Ok no offence to my lovely tudung girls. I find you girls very demure la kan. But thats not the point.The point is, my parents are scary shit people. They were always threatening me that they would send me to madrasah(when I was young you see) if I was naughty. So I've always had that mentality that ppl who attended madrasah will turned out to be angels!
The best part gotta be the part you mentioned SACRED MUSLIMA! I gotta love these tags.
I dont rmm blogging abt myself being a sacred muslima. Madrasah pon aku tak pernah pegi! Mak bapak aku tak bising tau aku bukan SACRED MUSLIMA.
So criticise me, judge me and hate me for all I fucking care.
Tolong ehh nak baca blog orang, takmo nak mengamok sendiri ehh.So tell me, who should grow some brains now? Maybe if you hate that entry so much, you try deleting it la. Oh, you mean you can't? Damn it. What a waste ehh. Takpe la, atleast ader tagboard for you guys to show me some love.
macam aku give a damn gitu la kan.
since kau cakap ENGRISH AKU MCM TAK BTOL, lemme converse in malay.
But first...
I don't know bout you guys, but from my (*counts) 5 years or so in blogging, I came across too many hate tags from my own blog or from others.The victims were usually put down by these ppl by their bad command of english yada yada yada. And these victims usually retaliate by blogging abt how they received hate tags etc by using
Ok, let me take precious time off from revision and answer these tak-perlu-dianswer-but-gonna-do-it-anyway tags.
The first unsightly tag came from "...".
-okay, YOU MUST BE AN ENGLISH TEACHER. pasal engrish aku tak se-madness as kau, aku reply je ehh dlm melayu pasar aku ehhh. kau tak marah kan? But if you're french, i'll try my best to translate them later. HAHA.
If you're not an english teacher, then you must be a beauty consultant cum counsellor. Thanks for the conselling service on my indenial and beauty tips.
"Just a passer-by". nice name ;)
Thanks for the advice JAP (can i call you that? JAP?), I reflected on myself a few minutes ago and I saw my reflection on the mirror... I saw a few strands of hair peeking out of my tudung! HAHAH. Okay I'm kidding. Ok no offence to my lovely tudung girls. I find you girls very demure la kan. But thats not the point.The point is, my parents are scary shit people. They were always threatening me that they would send me to madrasah(when I was young you see) if I was naughty. So I've always had that mentality that ppl who attended madrasah will turned out to be angels!
The best part gotta be the part you mentioned SACRED MUSLIMA! I gotta love these tags.
I dont rmm blogging abt myself being a sacred muslima. Madrasah pon aku tak pernah pegi! Mak bapak aku tak bising tau aku bukan SACRED MUSLIMA.
So criticise me, judge me and hate me for all I fucking care.
Tolong ehh nak baca blog orang, takmo nak mengamok sendiri ehh.So tell me, who should grow some brains now? Maybe if you hate that entry so much, you try deleting it la. Oh, you mean you can't? Damn it. What a waste ehh. Takpe la, atleast ader tagboard for you guys to show me some love.
Thursday, 7 February 2008
love is a losing game
People make bad choices in the past. Heck, even I made the stupidest or silliest choices when I was younger. (ehem ehem, not that I'm old but am getting there. heh)
But to say my boyfriend, yes that the one, made good choices is a lie. A big fat one indeed.
I'm a nosey-kinda-gf. I'm afraid its in me. I can't help it *shrugs
Okay, maybe not nosey, what a wrong choice of word.See! I've already made a wrong choice! Maybe, I'm more of an intuitive kinda gf. Haha.
What I meant by wrong choices might not be that wrong to him.Oh fuck, it's my blog, I'll say it anyway!
I'm not snooping, just looking around in his MSN where his bad choices all lie in the type of girls he befriended back then.
Sometimes I wonder what do single-mingle teensters do at this hour? Let's see...
1.Single-mingle teensters (Let's just call them SMT) surf the net, especially Myspace, Friendster etc etc and oogling at Single-mingle (probably or probably not) male teensters.
2. SMT chat on the phone till their dads & moms wake up suddenly to pee and hung up the phone abruptly.And sadly at some ungodly hour in the morning, when the conversation was at the peak of the excitement.Cuz it was at the very part, the guy asked the umpteenth time "Asal you lom tido lagi?Tak ngantok ke?"
3.SMT chat online. THIS PART, SESUNGGUHNYA AKU BENCI, SEBENCI-BENCINYER.The very reason this entry existed. When its late at night and when I am contemplating on whether should I smoke or should I shit and smoke, I usually go online on MSN. Well, sometimes mine (which I'm always appearing offline) but I went in my bf's msn too.
Like, just few minds ago (time check 2.20AM). SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY! What do girls do in the morning man! God.
And whats-her-face, don't go up to me (in other words, my bf) and try to butter him up. I dunno if he would even entertain you in the first place, I swear I wouldn't know. But at this hour, your only motive would probably be that your goddamn bored or in need of some flirting. But since you're still what, 16,17, there are probably enough male adolescent in msn lingering at this hour too. So there, don't you ever heard of the unwritten rule of relationship?
And don't go "hey you!" on me.
And..."don't you remember me?"
When my bf (or rather, me) said he doesnt, you don't give your nickname, whatever crap you managed to shit it out during your physics period! Like MOMMA FUCKME or something like this! Don't tell me your little friends go around calling you "MOMMA!MOMMA!" No, they dont. So there. Grow some brains. Atleast, I'm nice and called you guys teensters instead of young people or some other funny names that adults (chey chey!) called u guys okay *pats girl with ugly makeup and too much lipgloss on the head*
Whoa, this is pretty lengthy.A tad angst-y at some angles.
I'm gonna have my much deserved smoke now. Girls this days...they should be whip! Or rather, sent to madrasah or something.
But to say my boyfriend, yes that the one, made good choices is a lie. A big fat one indeed.
I'm a nosey-kinda-gf. I'm afraid its in me. I can't help it *shrugs
Okay, maybe not nosey, what a wrong choice of word.See! I've already made a wrong choice! Maybe, I'm more of an intuitive kinda gf. Haha.
What I meant by wrong choices might not be that wrong to him.Oh fuck, it's my blog, I'll say it anyway!
I'm not snooping, just looking around in his MSN where his bad choices all lie in the type of girls he befriended back then.
Sometimes I wonder what do single-mingle teensters do at this hour? Let's see...
1.Single-mingle teensters (Let's just call them SMT) surf the net, especially Myspace, Friendster etc etc and oogling at Single-mingle (probably or probably not) male teensters.
2. SMT chat on the phone till their dads & moms wake up suddenly to pee and hung up the phone abruptly.And sadly at some ungodly hour in the morning, when the conversation was at the peak of the excitement.Cuz it was at the very part, the guy asked the umpteenth time "Asal you lom tido lagi?Tak ngantok ke?"
3.SMT chat online. THIS PART, SESUNGGUHNYA AKU BENCI, SEBENCI-BENCINYER.The very reason this entry existed. When its late at night and when I am contemplating on whether should I smoke or should I shit and smoke, I usually go online on MSN. Well, sometimes mine (which I'm always appearing offline) but I went in my bf's msn too.
Like, just few minds ago (time check 2.20AM). SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY! What do girls do in the morning man! God.
And whats-her-face, don't go up to me (in other words, my bf) and try to butter him up. I dunno if he would even entertain you in the first place, I swear I wouldn't know. But at this hour, your only motive would probably be that your goddamn bored or in need of some flirting. But since you're still what, 16,17, there are probably enough male adolescent in msn lingering at this hour too. So there, don't you ever heard of the unwritten rule of relationship?
And don't go "hey you!" on me.
And..."don't you remember me?"
When my bf (or rather, me) said he doesnt, you don't give your nickname, whatever crap you managed to shit it out during your physics period! Like MOMMA FUCKME or something like this! Don't tell me your little friends go around calling you "MOMMA!MOMMA!" No, they dont. So there. Grow some brains. Atleast, I'm nice and called you guys teensters instead of young people or some other funny names that adults (chey chey!) called u guys okay *pats girl with ugly makeup and too much lipgloss on the head*
Whoa, this is pretty lengthy.A tad angst-y at some angles.
I'm gonna have my much deserved smoke now. Girls this days...they should be whip! Or rather, sent to madrasah or something.
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
19th Birthday
Update on Amirul's birthday on the 26th Jan. It's a tad outdated, but oh wells.
Puakes were there ard 6pm on that Sat when I told them to be there ard 8. Cuz they were bored and had nowhere to go and wait for Amirul and myself, they sat right by the bustop, whereby my boyfriend was riding past them.
THANK GOD eh he didnt notice the whole lot of them sitting there and not even making any effort to camouflage themselves or maybe scram somewhere la kan.
But you guys were sweet. They bought a nice pretty cake that I asked for and even Amirul was shocked to find them over at ECP singing BabyLove for him while approaching us! Suhhhhh-weeeeet!
Changed spot cause no table to BBQ. Our mini BBQ =)
The mat-mat motos' helmets.
Before everyone got oily from the BBQ and stuffs. Wany came later on with her bicylce. I just had to mention that. HAHA!
Mirul setting up the mini pit with the boys which was awesome. The pit is so cute and economical. HAHA!

All in all, there were ard 2kg of chix wings, 3 pkts of sausages, 3 pkts of crabsticks (and 1 pkt all raw eaten by Naq,herself- pompuan giler). And there was still leftovers after they left...
We were feeling nostalgic with the kinda effect and Wany's bicycle.
The "chocolate ganas".
We asked an uncle nearby who was tgh memotek with Auntie la kan. Then he helped us took the picture and said "AAAA-BEEEEEE-CEEEEEE". Mana nak dapat.
Puakes were there ard 6pm on that Sat when I told them to be there ard 8. Cuz they were bored and had nowhere to go and wait for Amirul and myself, they sat right by the bustop, whereby my boyfriend was riding past them.
THANK GOD eh he didnt notice the whole lot of them sitting there and not even making any effort to camouflage themselves or maybe scram somewhere la kan.
But you guys were sweet. They bought a nice pretty cake that I asked for and even Amirul was shocked to find them over at ECP singing BabyLove for him while approaching us! Suhhhhh-weeeeet!
Changed spot cause no table to BBQ. Our mini BBQ =)
The mat-mat motos' helmets.
Before everyone got oily from the BBQ and stuffs. Wany came later on with her bicylce. I just had to mention that. HAHA!
Mirul setting up the mini pit with the boys which was awesome. The pit is so cute and economical. HAHA!

All in all, there were ard 2kg of chix wings, 3 pkts of sausages, 3 pkts of crabsticks (and 1 pkt all raw eaten by Naq,herself- pompuan giler). And there was still leftovers after they left...
We were feeling nostalgic with the kinda effect and Wany's bicycle.
The "chocolate ganas".
We asked an uncle nearby who was tgh memotek with Auntie la kan. Then he helped us took the picture and said "AAAA-BEEEEEE-CEEEEEE". Mana nak dapat.
And if our love was a story book
We would meet on the very first page
The last chapter would be about
How I'm thankful for the life we've made
Hope you had the best 19th. I hope I'll be by your side for many more birthdays to come. =)
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