Friday, 28 August 2009
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
The walk I had earlier in the day led me to impulse purchases. Note to self, no more walks to Sembawang Shopping Centre. After my long walk back cum shopped-a-bit-while-at-it, I really wanted to meet boyfriend. I buka-ed with the family, facebooked a little bit and off to meet my prince.

We went to town and I got to see the makeover my boyfriend did on his bike. I haven't seen my boyfriend for days due to school commitments and all. So, impromptu meet up like earlier on was really awesome! The bike went from the standard red to white and gold. I loikeeee!

Oh wells, you can't really see the white and gold in the picture. But it's really awesome, la fuckkk! I gotta run. Need to really start on my projects. I got school and Geylang with my girlfriends later. It's raining and sucha great night to be staying up and doing your work ahhh. Minah moto signing off ~
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