Sunday, 30 August 2009
All work, no play!

It was all work and no play today. Naq and I spent hours over at McCafe just to figure out 1 fucking part in our project. Such a cumbersome project! And yes, we needed the Singapore map for it. That friggin map cost me 8 bucks. All in the name of school. Sigh. My boyfriend was there to accompany me. Sucha darling! Also, free ride back home rather than cabbing back.
He had a bad day earlier on. That fucked up ATM machine didn't dispense out his cash and the amount he withdrew(but didn't receive) wasn't credited back. Boy was so mad and fucked the customer service officer up on the phone. HAHA! I feel for that poor philippino lady. Nonetheless, the CSO assured us that he will receive it on Monday. Kau... time lambat siol Monday, orang mau buka siak tadi! We had to withdraw again and buka-ed at his place before meeting Naq at McCafe.
Yesterday was the trip to Geylang with the girls. Was super shagged when I got to town to meet them. I couldn't fast but had not eaten at all and was thinking of all the lovely ayam perciks and dengdengs. Buttttt when we got there, it was already 10-ish and I wasn't feeling the food anymore :(
Just the dengdeng and a few rounds around Geylang. Geylang on Friday was a pretty bad idea. Shall arm with a small portable fan and a hairband the next time I'm going there.
He had a bad day earlier on. That fucked up ATM machine didn't dispense out his cash and the amount he withdrew(but didn't receive) wasn't credited back. Boy was so mad and fucked the customer service officer up on the phone. HAHA! I feel for that poor philippino lady. Nonetheless, the CSO assured us that he will receive it on Monday. Kau... time lambat siol Monday, orang mau buka siak tadi! We had to withdraw again and buka-ed at his place before meeting Naq at McCafe.
Yesterday was the trip to Geylang with the girls. Was super shagged when I got to town to meet them. I couldn't fast but had not eaten at all and was thinking of all the lovely ayam perciks and dengdengs. Buttttt when we got there, it was already 10-ish and I wasn't feeling the food anymore :(
Just the dengdeng and a few rounds around Geylang. Geylang on Friday was a pretty bad idea. Shall arm with a small portable fan and a hairband the next time I'm going there.
It's already 4. Mom is not up yet and I can't wait for Sahur. I peeked into the kitchen, saw sweet & sour fish. Guess that is what for Sahur. Have an awesome Sunday, folks! And OHHHH, Happy Sahur-ing. Its best to stay up all the way till Sahur and sleep only after your meal, you won't feel the hunger pangs while waiting for buka laater ;) Cheers~
Friday, 28 August 2009
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
The walk I had earlier in the day led me to impulse purchases. Note to self, no more walks to Sembawang Shopping Centre. After my long walk back cum shopped-a-bit-while-at-it, I really wanted to meet boyfriend. I buka-ed with the family, facebooked a little bit and off to meet my prince.

We went to town and I got to see the makeover my boyfriend did on his bike. I haven't seen my boyfriend for days due to school commitments and all. So, impromptu meet up like earlier on was really awesome! The bike went from the standard red to white and gold. I loikeeee!

Oh wells, you can't really see the white and gold in the picture. But it's really awesome, la fuckkk! I gotta run. Need to really start on my projects. I got school and Geylang with my girlfriends later. It's raining and sucha great night to be staying up and doing your work ahhh. Minah moto signing off ~
Thursday, 27 August 2009
I skipped school just so I can enjoy the rain and snuggled up in bed. Sweeeet! Am still not done with the tasks assigned to me. Thank god there wasn't any group meet today. I spent the whole day with my girls, from IKEA to Buddy Hoagies yesterday till late. No time to dwell on projects and/or clearing my desk. Shit.
It's fucking awesome day for a walk to Sembawang Shopping Centre. I'm feeling a 4-pumped-vanilla-low-fat-latte from Starbucks and a long walk back home. Okay, I'm gonna shower and head out for a walk. Cheers!
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
IKEA comes to the rescue!
Today is supposed to be our group meeting for one of the modules. But Naq and I figured we won't be much of a help and plus, we will never come out with anything productive during group meets. Our minds tend to wonder. Let's just do it at home ya. I'll remind myself to clear my desk later.

How am I ever gonna start on my work with this mess?
But for now, I'm gonna get dress for an IKEA date with Salina. See you guys in a bit!
But for now, I'm gonna get dress for an IKEA date with Salina. See you guys in a bit!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Late night blues
Promise is a promise. I'm sticking to my promise about blogging constantly, cause lately, there aren't alot of stuffs to do around. Yes there is school but I am forever on the laptop, so I guess I can keep ya'll (feeling hiphop) updated. I love reading blogs, I kan kaypo number 1. So I share my life with ya'll (feeling hiphop again) too. Sharing is caring. Charity Hippo Elephant (Heheh!) taught me that back in primary school.
But lately, I have issues sleeping early. My sleeping pattern is haywire and it's driving my nuts,boy! There are no more lie-down-on-the-bed, tuck-myself-in & close-eyes then la-la land. It's not as easy as before. I have to fluff up my pillows for the tenth times and pee for the umpteenth time before I can sleep peacefully. Sometimes that won't work! Right now, I'm thinking, maybe play some DS (I already did that), listen to some Ipod (contemplating still) and smoke some ciggies. Please ah please ahhhh make me fall asleep la chibai!!! Not make me stomach ache in the middle of the night!
Okay, I'm gonna do that now. Tomorrow I gonna buka with my boyfriend and his family so I shall not eat breakfast in the morning so I can pretend to be puasa-ing & be really hungry. I'd probably drink a sip or two only just in case mulot tak se-bau orang puasa. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And yeah, these people that owe me break-fast dates.
Happy sahur-ing. Please remember to gargle Listerine to keep mouth fresh during puasa. Or at least, avoid talking to someone upclose.
But lately, I have issues sleeping early. My sleeping pattern is haywire and it's driving my nuts,boy! There are no more lie-down-on-the-bed, tuck-myself-in & close-eyes then la-la land. It's not as easy as before. I have to fluff up my pillows for the tenth times and pee for the umpteenth time before I can sleep peacefully. Sometimes that won't work! Right now, I'm thinking, maybe play some DS (I already did that), listen to some Ipod (contemplating still) and smoke some ciggies. Please ah please ahhhh make me fall asleep la chibai!!! Not make me stomach ache in the middle of the night!
Okay, I'm gonna do that now. Tomorrow I gonna buka with my boyfriend and his family so I shall not eat breakfast in the morning so I can pretend to be puasa-ing & be really hungry. I'd probably drink a sip or two only just in case mulot tak se-bau orang puasa. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And yeah, these people that owe me break-fast dates.
Happy sahur-ing. Please remember to gargle Listerine to keep mouth fresh during puasa. Or at least, avoid talking to someone upclose.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
I lied. I cannot pry myself away from Gossip Girl. Gone with the reports that I have to start on. I shall redeem myself tomorrow. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. Damn this procastination!
My mind is all over the place. I can't concentrate so maybe after GG, I'm so gonna hit on my DS. Report schport! There is always tomorrow or later on huh. Heeee heeee heeee.
My mind is all over the place. I can't concentrate so maybe after GG, I'm so gonna hit on my DS. Report schport! There is always tomorrow or later on huh. Heeee heeee heeee.
So how was the first day of Ramadan? Mine was awesome. Hopefully I'll fast more days this year than the last. Pfffft 4 days of fasting last year. What are you, Faezah? A 10 year old?
Sialah, aku dah ngantok. Blom start project. How uh? Coffee ah sampai mampos.
Sialah, aku dah ngantok. Blom start project. How uh? Coffee ah sampai mampos.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Perpetual procrastinator
Just so you know, Horatio isn't dead like my blog.
Once again, i'm having school blues & a temporary dementia shit going on in the head. I've gazillions journals to skim through & it ain't easy. And no, they are not Dear-diary-today-is-a-bad-day journals. They are motherfucking business journals. The ones that go on and on about the same motherfucking issues and you wouldn't understand a fucking thing. The lecturer aint helping either. PEOPLE, DO NOT PURSUE A DEGREE, I'M WARNING YA. All those lecturers, they aren't helping you one bit. Cause why? "Oh, there is no right or wrong." Before you know it, a big fat F is marked on your forehead.
To cut story short (cause I really need to get this ass back on those darn journals & literature reviews), Horatio isn't dead & my dad should really, really stop telling me to quit smoking. It's like me asking him to do the same- IT WONT HAPPEN.
Once again, i'm having school blues & a temporary dementia shit going on in the head. I've gazillions journals to skim through & it ain't easy. And no, they are not Dear-diary-today-is-a-bad-day journals. They are motherfucking business journals. The ones that go on and on about the same motherfucking issues and you wouldn't understand a fucking thing. The lecturer aint helping either. PEOPLE, DO NOT PURSUE A DEGREE, I'M WARNING YA. All those lecturers, they aren't helping you one bit. Cause why? "Oh, there is no right or wrong." Before you know it, a big fat F is marked on your forehead.
To cut story short (cause I really need to get this ass back on those darn journals & literature reviews), Horatio isn't dead & my dad should really, really stop telling me to quit smoking. It's like me asking him to do the same- IT WONT HAPPEN.
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