Monday, 23 June 2008
In the future we trust.
It's confirmed.
Amirul's enlisted to Civil Defence.
Baik ahhhh!! Nasib bulan puasa, baru nak buat plan dajal.
No, i'm kidding babe.
I love you!
Friday, 20 June 2008
Better half.
Don't believe in Jesus
Don't believe in Jah
Don't believe in the wars
We fight just to prove how real we are
Don't believe in Jah
Don't believe in the wars
We fight just to prove how real we are
It was Thursday evening and I was at Clarke Quay.No clubbing, drinking whatsoever. I was having dinner that day. Clarke Quay is way much better in the light. Haha. I mean, being in Clarke Quay only at night and the only view you'll get to see is drunkards passed out at every corner. I definitely prefer being there in evening than the wee hours of the morning.

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
Supposedly, I'm the only one with the highlights but someone got everything planned out and he figured that, rather than being bored out of his wits while waiting for my hair to be done, he'd do it too! EUREKA! Now we're siblings. YAY! *throws confettis

Got Food?
Dinner over at Billy Bombers'. Speaking of food, did you know in the States , they had Satays? Fucking SATAY. As in chicken, mutton satays those sorts. Well, if you already knew good for you then bla bla bla. Back to Satays, well, I was watching the Rachel Ray show (which is on Chl 5 every noon at 12, fyi) and on that day she was making "Lean Meat Satay Stick". OKAY. When she spoke the "satay" part with all her slang and shits, I swore I thought she meant "Saute". Then the name of the recipe flashed on my fucking tv, and I instantly sat up, watching it attentively. I'm kental and easily pleased like that. They had the same peanut sauce as we do but GUESS WHAT THEY INGREDIENTS THEY HAD TO USE.
(feeling ala-ala dramatic)
So its either creamy peanut butter sauce or chunky peanut butter sauce. Now, can you dig that?
Psychedelic, no?
If only I had those in my room. Then I wouldnt sleep ever.
Camwhores. tsk.
We played pretends and make a video while lip-synching to stupid songs.Which is very buruk-nak-mampos and embarassing that I refused to put up. Heh.
Lastly, Happy 9th. You know I'm sexy when I look like shit.
Now, the big plan is to scrimp and save to 2 upcomings holidays with my bf and gfs to Penang and Pahang. Whoa, how coincidental that both trips starts with the letter P. (Aku random, aku tahu) Actually Gfs and I are planning to go Taman Negara again. I loike!!
And friends of the world, thanks for the lovely impromtu pot luck at Marie's .
And Amirul, thanks for the lovely dinner even though I wanted to eat at fig's and olive's,
fish market, fish and co and every other places except Billy Bombers'. No, I'm Kidding.
Love. Peace!
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Partied with the girls after the long time at the usual hot sweaty place.
I hate my face in here but just cause I love the background.

I love You! (Hehe, sempat.)
Hey, who that?
Afterall, we all young people here. In need of some grinding action. Heh.
Its raining and it'll be nice to sleep in but someone gotta go for theory lesson doesnt she?
Its raining and it'll be nice to sleep in but someone gotta go for theory lesson doesnt she?
Friday, 6 June 2008
Its not worth it.
Blogging sucks nowadays. I've absolutely no motivation nor inspiration to blog.
Maybe its the weather.
Maybe its just the unexciting life I am leading. Or or or I'm just too busy bumming on my big black sofa watching Family Guy, Friends, and sappy melodramatic movies on cable.
I havent been to anywhere interesting lately. No clubs, outings whatsoever la. That explains- No pictures. Anyways, I'm thinking of deleting this blog, my friendster and whatever there is online. Bahaha. Life's sucha drag when you're 16.
Oh ya, I actually add some colours to my hair after 2 years of abstinence from hair torturing.
Dah, my brain's dead about what more to blog, Friends is on anyway and I'm so proud of myself for dwloading CSI and jackass DS games. =) Happy Friday!
Maybe its the weather.
Maybe its just the unexciting life I am leading. Or or or I'm just too busy bumming on my big black sofa watching Family Guy, Friends, and sappy melodramatic movies on cable.
I havent been to anywhere interesting lately. No clubs, outings whatsoever la. That explains- No pictures. Anyways, I'm thinking of deleting this blog, my friendster and whatever there is online. Bahaha. Life's sucha drag when you're 16.
Oh ya, I actually add some colours to my hair after 2 years of abstinence from hair torturing.
Dah, my brain's dead about what more to blog, Friends is on anyway and I'm so proud of myself for dwloading CSI and jackass DS games. =) Happy Friday!
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