Friday, 4 April 2008
The last straw
A few questions that I need to know
How you could ever hurt me so
I need to know what I've done wrong
And how long it's been going on
Was it that I never paid enough attention
Or did I not give enough affection
Not only will your answers keep me sane
But I'll know never to make the same mistake again
You can tell me to my face
Or even on the phone
You can write it in a letter
Either way I've have to know
Did I never treat you right
Did I always start the fight
Did I always start the fight
Either way I'm going out of my mind
All the answers to my questions I have to find
To whom, this may be concerned
To those who may want to learn
I'm writing this to you,
The last straw.
You've drained out my energy, my tears, my hopes that I once had.
I've never knew that trust can be so easy to find, and maybe a little difficult to lose. I pray that I could still trust you this time around, but as I sat here typing this ridiculous entry away, I found out too soon that forgiving and trusting you will be shooting myself in the foot. Trust was like a piece of me for I, as naive as I can be, put it all on you.
They say, "What goes around,comes around"
I say, I hope it wont happen to you.
For I wouldnt want you to experience this.
This most excruciating heartbreak moment I am feeling.
You say, why wld I wanna put this all up for every single soul to know.
These dirty laundry I am hanging up.
writing it in my diary would means I would chance upon it again.
I hope blogger closes down one fine day.
Close down for good.
And take away the memories with it.
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