Monday, 28 January 2008
I know Naq loves impromtu-ness as much as I do!
Yesterday was my baby's birthday and puakes, gua sayang sama lu ahhh!
Cuz they jiwa beb, jiwaaaaaa!!
Hehe. Anyways I think I'll post an entry on the Friday's impromtu-ness first cuz the yesterday's issue too fast to blog about. Akak kan slow processing.
I was up and ready for my practical test in school but Mr Bean and friend wanna come early to school cuz of some stuffs that I screwed up. HAHA. By the time the test was over, I skipped lecture and went straight to Mirul's place and slept like a mutherfucking babi burok mintak kene sembelih, while my bf was busy cleaning the house and even when the bro's gf reached the place, I was still in my pig's foetal position. HAHA.
Mirul is a die-die must do person, if never do, later cannot sleep or later backside itchy.So we ride to Parkway Parade to get YELLOW paint marker type la and then Alep called to ask where we were heading cuz he was fetching Naqqies. AND the whole impromtu-ness stared. Cuz Alep and Mirul like BFF already, everytime must meet la kan, they came over to Marine Parade to buat kacau and try to think of later plans.

Yesterday was my baby's birthday and puakes, gua sayang sama lu ahhh!
Cuz they jiwa beb, jiwaaaaaa!!
Hehe. Anyways I think I'll post an entry on the Friday's impromtu-ness first cuz the yesterday's issue too fast to blog about. Akak kan slow processing.
I was up and ready for my practical test in school but Mr Bean and friend wanna come early to school cuz of some stuffs that I screwed up. HAHA. By the time the test was over, I skipped lecture and went straight to Mirul's place and slept like a mutherfucking babi burok mintak kene sembelih, while my bf was busy cleaning the house and even when the bro's gf reached the place, I was still in my pig's foetal position. HAHA.
Mirul is a die-die must do person, if never do, later cannot sleep or later backside itchy.So we ride to Parkway Parade to get YELLOW paint marker type la and then Alep called to ask where we were heading cuz he was fetching Naqqies. AND the whole impromtu-ness stared. Cuz Alep and Mirul like BFF already, everytime must meet la kan, they came over to Marine Parade to buat kacau and try to think of later plans.
Akak vey busy noh, colour-colour the tyre. Nie Mirul cekik darah tau. Tak tahu color tyre btol-btol. HEHE. I love u baby!!

We all very professional, drinks all ready! Naqqies said my syrup sedap nak mamps.
We busy coloring the tyre, the other two busy looking ONLY and TAKE PICTURE ONLY!
This one, not enough love la, thats why. Jakon punya orang! Naq named Mirul's bike Baby Jah after Alep's Baby Yaya. HAHAHAHAHA.
Then we got bored colouring and became minah moto. Auntie behind also wanna pose uh. The hand on the neck pose. Sexy uuuu!
Because the boys aka boys minyak budget, we went over to the Lagoon over at ECP for dinner and met up with the other babies- Dan and Diy. Naq and I went and search for tables while the boys parked their bikes and we are now "Riders Maut". Mana mau dapat nama. You'll only get this name if you're a girl, carrying a helmet and without any guys strategically located nearby you. HAHAH.
Boys and their bikes
So these are the "Riders Maut"?
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